CSA Officers:
Chris Chapa, President
Pablo Sanchez, Vice-President Mitchell Daughrity, Chairman Mark Brown, Vice Chairman Peter Palmer, Treasurer
Kathy Palmer, Secretary
Challenged Sportsmen of America, INC.
27th Annual “Wing & Water Weekend” Oct. 11-13, 2024
The Executive Committee of Challenged Sportsmen of America, Inc. has begun the planning for our CSA weekend October 11-13, 2024. Safety is our
first priority! Everyone will be here to have a funfilled, safe weekend.
The 7th Annual Sporting Clay Tournament fundraiser is scheduled for August 24, 2024 at the Coyote Arms Range in Edinburg, Texas. See the Events Tab and stay tuned for details. Check Instagram (csargv1) or our Facebook page (challengedsportsmenofamerica,inc.) for more info.
The “Wing & Water Weekend” is an event sponsored by Challenged Sportsmen
of America, Inc. (CSA).
The event is a weekend of dove hunting, fishing, and camaraderie for physically challenged sportsmen and women. Each physically (mobility) challenged hunter is encouraged to bring one able-bodied family member or friend along to join the fun. This has always been a “family focused event” with challenged hunters sometimes being afforded the opportunity of hunting with their sons & daughters for the very first time.
October 11-13, 2024 will be the 27th Annual CSA “Wing & Water Weekend”.
The events of the CSA “Wing & Water Weekend” will be spread out over Hidalgo, Cameron, and Willacy Counties of South Texas. The hunting sites will depend on the weather and “where the birds are” so we will have commitments from landowners for multiple locations.
There are very limited opportunities for the physically challenged individual to hunt and fish. Our purpose is to provide the opportunity and ability for the physically (mobility) challenged to get out of their homes and enjoy the outdoors in a family focused environment. We provide the assistance they need, social interaction, and a chance to make new friends in the challenged and able-bodied communities. The challenged members teach the volunteers that although they may face different daily challenges, we are all the same; striving to succeed, everyday.
Provide the opportunity for the disabled and able-bodied communities to come together and have a great weekend of hunting and fishing in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas. We all make new friends and renew old friendships while providing “hands on” assistance and many hours of “one-on-one” time with our challenged hunters. Each year the CSA Executive Committee solicits donations from businesses, fellow sportsmen, friends and family to make it all possible. And, each year we have had the participation of so many volunteers in so many ways that it is impossible to count all the hours involved. It is truly a “labor of love”. We are not aware of any other event addressing the needs of physically challenged hunters and fishermen and women in South Texas that is provided at no cost to participants. We provide both the opportunity and the ability to participate in a weekend of adventure.
Physically challenged participants: The members of the Challenged Sportsmen of America, Inc. are physically (mobility) challenged. Due to the fact that the “Wing & Water Weekend” involves shooting sports, participants are carefully screened, then matched with a volunteer to ensure that they are capable of participating in a safe manner. Cost to Participants: All events are free of charge without regard to physical handicap, race, color, sex, age, religion, or national origin of guests and volunteers. Hotel rooms, food, shotgun shells, and other expenses, are paid for by donations from individuals and businesses in the community as well as fundraisers held during the year. In the event that the hunter arrives by plane or is unable to bring their gun, local volunteers will loan them one. Fishing poles and bait will be included on the boat. Door prizes and “goodie bags” are donated or purchased with contributions. We have generous landowners who allow the use of their land. Some landowners donate deer or hog hunts to be drawn as Grand Prizes during the weekend.
The big expense incurred by the hunters is their time. Hunters must possess a valid Texas hunting license for the dove hunts. Texas Parks & Wildlife allows CSA to have a fishing license exemption for the event(s).
This is an all volunteer organization. Our committee members donate office space and supplies so our overhead expenses are minimal.
We rely on businesses and individuals for food, goodie bags and door prize donations. Cash donations are used to pay for rooms, food, shotgun shells and other event related expenses.
Additional funds come from a Sporting Clay Tournament in August. See the "Events" tab for more information.
You can help fund our events by sending your contributions to:
Challenged Sportsmen of America, Inc.
3700 North 10th Street, Ste. 100
McAllen, TX 78501
Attn: Treasurer
Phone: (956) 994-8800
Challenged Sportsmen of America, Inc. is a not-for-profit organization under section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Service. Tax ID number for CSA is 75-2566756
Find us on Facebook! and Instagram (csargv1)